Saturday, September 29, 2012


グッチは、いわゆる "模倣者"を起訴するだけで多くの高級品会社の一つです。
1994年には、フランスのブランドイヴ - サン - ローランブランドムシャラフ - ローレンは、裁判所に引致、後者は独自の独特なスタイルのタキシードをコピーしました。最終的に、イヴ - サン - ローラン383000ドルを授与されました。同様のイベントはまた、しばしば他人独自のデザインという盗作のお互いを非難し、ファッションサークルでは珍しいことではないされているのと同じではビッグネームの最前線にされています。ファッションウィーク中の年にシャネルは、選択の余地がなかったが、世界に伝えるために: "私は 'シャネル'模倣の様々を見て光栄ですが、これをしない、当事務所の弁護士が積極的に対処しますしてください"
ファストファッションブランドの盗作アクションは本当にわずか数週間後に、頭痛、年間のファッションウィークで最大の名前をした、いくつかの "修正"の後に大きな新しいデザインが店舗ザラ、H&Mブランドに表示されます。この時点では、大型店舗では、多くの場合、これらの新しいデザインのトレースが表示されませんでした。イギリスのファッションブランドのトップショップ(Topshop)の疑いが盗作クロエドレスザラは盗作当たり前を疑った。疑いの人々の声の顔は、ザラは寛大な応答を持っています: "私たちのインスピレーションは、ファッションショーのT段階から、盗作を終了していません。"Chanel シャネルA35304 マトラッセライン长财布シルバー
おそらく、これらの大きなトラブルの創造 ""ファストファッションブランドのポジショニングにまでさかのぼり、ファストファッションブランドの追求ではない "、彼らはいつも行くルートをたどるようになります。ファストファッションブランドは、デザイナー、デザイナーの何百ものシャトル主要なファッション·ウィークのショー、自社製品に統合され、新しいファッションの要素の非常に大規模なチームです。ファストファッションブランドの生産サイクルは、しばしば数週間しか時間があり、彼らは十分に速く、手や足限り、未来の波を予測する頭脳を持っていません。Chanel シャネルA35304 マトラッセライン长财布シルバー
ファッション界で創造性を強調しているが、 "創造"は、このようなものは盗作のファッション界では "ブランドでコピーブランドコピー大きい、小さいカード、大きいバックコピー小さなカード"悪循環から脱出することは難しいと思われるかどうかを定義するのは難しいです。手紙イタリアンビッグライングッチやアメリカのファッションブランドゲスの "G"の戦いが3年間続いている、ひどい訴訟が最終的に結果が来た。
早ければ2009年のように、グッチの "G"の文字の先頭に、2つのブランド名を推測を訴え、グッチ2は赤と緑のその頻繁に使用するとともに、ハンドバッグや靴の多くで使用される各文字Gをかむストライプ、 "グッチ"手書きの言葉は、消費者の識別グッチのロゴとなっています。グッチのように明らかに大きくはない評判を推測、比較的活発なカウボーイが歩いたルートのアメリカンブランドを始め、価格もグッチよりもはるかに安いです。意識を高めるために、また、Gという文字パターンを使用して、自社製品、靴の特定のスタイルに赤と緑の縞模様、ハンドバッグを推測。グッチ非常に怒っている。
会社グッチは、盗作グッチ創造し、これらの象徴的な要素を意識し、自社の製品に刻まれ、欺くために "消費者の行動を推測する真似ゲス、グッチは、経済的損失を被った。同社は、同社が "意図的な詐欺行為を"持っていないと主張したと思いますが、その商品の販売には、音響映像消費者を混同していない、グッチの恥を作るおろか。米国連邦裁判所の訴訟は、最近、グッチに470万ドルの補償、及びこれらのフラグの使用上の恒久的な禁止を推測し、判断をしました。


だから、ルイ·ヴィトンは、革命的なフラットトップ革ケースを作成し、パリに初のショップをオープンしました。キャンバスボックスで作られたこの "Trianongrey"が間もなく旅貴族優先旅行商品のようなパリの上流社会になる。彼のデザインは、すぐに平らな正方形のスーツケースは傾向となって、コピーされます。 4年後、ルイ·ヴィトンの拡張された革の店舗規模、パリ郊外のアニエールの最初の工場を設立しました。この期間中、設計、生産、プロセスは実用的な設計コンセプト、ルイ·ヴィトンのファッションに特化の深化をもとに、旅行者の実用的な問題を解決するためにもっと注意を払う。Chanel シャネルA35304 マトラッセライン长财布ブラック
今日、インドは伝説とアテネデザインの富と共に、このユニークなパターンのモノグラムのキャンバスバッグの "LV"のシンボルを持っているとファッションの古典になる。 100年間、世界は多くの変化、人々の追求と審美的な概念を経験しても変わりますが、ルイ·ヴィトンゾランの評判だけでなく、現在は他に類を見ない魅力を維持します。
家紋がヨーロッパの宮廷文化の最も典型的な代表である、家族の社会的地位と歴史は独自のエンブレムを持っています。ローマ時代イタリア、パリのグランドメルキュールパリマツ家族エンブレムローマ神話の勝利の女神の四馬戦車からパリグランドメルキュールマツPARISの家族。黄金の翼、勝利の女神の肖像画と金色の王冠を身に着けて四馬戦車の姿から来ている勝利のパリグランドメルキュールマツPARISロゴの女神。このフラグの発音は "マツ"、勝利の女神に代わって美 "、美しい女神、ギリシャ神話の勝利の女神で、ローマ神話に登場するニック女神は、、である"という言葉の音訳は、グランドメルキュール、 "中国の音訳である"ジャズ"ビクトリア女神のための単語は、金の冠を身に着けている、勝利の女神の神々の高貴なイメージを表しています。勝利の女神が着用している、平和の時代にはオリーブの枝です。Chanel シャネルA35304 マトラッセライン长财布シャンパンシルバー
1854年に設立され、ナポレオン3世は、有名な高級ブランドルイヴィトンとして即位し、呉傑Niの女王を呼んだフランスの領土拡大は、ヨーロッパの利益のために旅をした。しかし、旅の楽しみがあるため、いくつかのマイナーな問題のためと妥協が多いです - それらの美しい服はいつもタイムリーではなく、トランクの中にとどまる。彼らの技術のおかげで貧しい少年ルイ·ヴィトンは、女王の服はきちんとスーツケースに接続されています。このため、ルイダウン村の若者はすぐに女王呉傑Niの注目と信頼を得た。

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Increasing international pressure on Western countries, encouraging more sanctions against Syria

There were indications that Syria, the opposition to the United Nations 7th, League of Arab States and other international organizations with a request to the city of Homs as the "disaster city", and to take prompt action to provide assistance to the city of Homs, the opposition has called for Arab countries and observers from other countries to Holmes City to monitor the local situation. Opposition says Assad regime has lost the confidence to accept the Arab League initiative, hoping to recover the Arab League initiative.
However, the Syrian capital of Damascus is an entirely different story, tens of thousands of people support Bashar regime held a "Patriotic Parade", expressed confidence in the government and support. Newspaper reporter at the scene to participate in Louis Vuitton Monogram Eclipse Alma Amber M40245the procession of people, they said, most countries need to change the Syrians agree that the demands, but stressed the importance of national security and stability on the basis of implementation. The parade participants named Ali told reporters: "We reject external interference, we do not want to become the next Libya or Iraq." Syrian President Bashar Assad will attend Eid al-Adha ceremony also emphasized Syrian people against chaos, terrorism and foreign interference.
Increasing international pressure on Western
However, the Western countries have been increasing international pressure on Syria, including the Arab League, including active mobilization of more countries and organizations to join sanctions against Syria's actions.
French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said Wednesday that Bashar will not accept the peace plan, France would continue efforts to level the United Nations to take action against Syria. In an interview with Saudi Arabia, "Middle East News" reporter, said to the Arab League initiative to resolve Syria has failed, the French prepared to recognize the "Syrian National Committee", and hope that the Arab countries and Turkey can exert more pressure on the Assad regime Western countries are also preparing further sanctions against the Syrian government introduced a series of financial and economic measures.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Tuesday the Syrian situation is complex, hoping to increase international pressure on the way, prompting Assad regime to stop the current violence. "Middle East" quoted sources as saying that Turkey, Turkey is also to take further sanctions against Syria lobbying that has been associated with the United Nations Security Council countries, Brazil and South Africa to communicate.
U.S. State Department spokesman Newland 7, at a regular press conference accused the Syrian government to continue acts of violence. Newland said, according to the U.S. Embassy in Syria received, 4 to 6 November a total of 71 civilians died in the government crackdown. She also said that as the current UN Security Council can not reach agreement on Syria, the United States hopes to take their own countries to increase pressure on the Syrian Government's political and economic measures. She acknowledged that the U.S. is still the judge, "the vast majority of Syrians and the classification of domestic opposition does not want foreign intervention, especially foreign military intervention," they "want to see (the problem) peaceful settlement." She also hinted that "no-fly zone" does not necessarily apply to Syria.
It will open an emergency meeting of Arab League
June 12, the Arab League will once again hold an emergency meeting on Syria for consultations. Analysis, not the Arab League and the United Nations mandate, coupled with Syria itself is a complex and unique geopolitical position of the radiation region, Western Syria Copy "Libya model" is unlikely. Syrian political analyst Bassam Abdullah also said: "Syria has a strong army to attack Syria started a regional war means, we will directly attack Israel, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran will be war, which relates to the best interests of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. "
Headquartered in Brussels, "the International Crisis Group," recently released a report, the Syrian Arab League initiative to resolve the crisis is the last chance, if this attempt fails again, the situation in Syria will be rapidly approaching a dangerous tipping point, not only to the degree of internal violence rise, more pressure from the outside will follow.

Greece referendum to make the world a false alarm

According to the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) reported that the Greek President Karolos Papoulias announced the evening of November 6, Prime Minister Papandreou and the main opposition New Democratic Party leader Samaras on the matters agreed to form a coalition government, Pa Pandeliou will resign from the post of prime minister is a prerequisite for 130 billion euros of aid loans approved.
According to Presidential Office's statement, Papandreou and Samaras October 7 meeting, the new prime minister and members of the new government consultation. Papandreou no longer serve as co-interim prime minister.
"Referendum" proposal provoked controversy
October 27, EU heads all night long, the Greek debt negotiation solution, until the day of the tremendous efforts they spend only two in the morning and reached the Greek debt relief program, do the world a sigh of relief, national stock markets more with warm up the sound.
According to rescue program, the euro zone leaders agreed to grant Greece € 130 billion rescue fund for Greek government bonds for 50% of the write-down to help Greece to reduce the debt burden of 100 billion euros. While Greece also need to implement austerity measures, the debt-GDP ratio from the current 160% to 120% in 2020 down to, in order to exchange for a new round of 130 billion euros in aid.
Although the program is only in order to avoid debt default and adopted the Greek, does not solve Europe's overall economic growth slow and uneven economic growth in the euro area member states of the deep structural problems, but compared to the previous fire-fighting approach, has made great progress, the program Greece can significantly reduce the external debt burden, to revive the Greek economy is favorable.
But no one expected, one by one for the euro area by 17 Member States, the EU summit and painstaking rescue package reached Greece, the Greeks did not appreciate. October 31, Papandreou suddenly announced the EU Greek public referendum aid program delivery.
Greek government spokesman said on November 2, the Greek cabinet after seven hours of negotiations, announced unanimous support for the referendum on the EU aid program delivery. This news makes the two-year debt crisis Waves in Europe, if a referendum against the Greek people rescue package, the EU heads of hard preparation rescue package is likely to become waste paper, thrown into the wastebasket.
Greece, the surprise decision immediately caused an uproar on the global financial markets. European and U.S. stock markets fell across the board on November 1, London "Financial Times" 100 Stock Average index over the previous session down 2.21%. In currencies, the euro fell against the dollar has crashed.
CASS researcher at the European Institute of Tiande Wen told the "rule of law over the weekend" correspondent, the Greek debt crisis has lasted for two years but has yet to resolve this complex and the reasons behind the crisis. Greek debt crisis is the direct cause of Greece joined the euro area does not have the appropriate conditions, to take the false accounts of the way, the Greek government bonds has been eyeing international speculators.
Second, the crisis and the Greek government does not care about fiscal policy, a great Greek public spending, deficits, lack of money to keep borrowing, take on new debt repayment. The debt crisis, it is inevitable. 2001-2008 statistics show that governments and private loans, consumer spending in GDP, Greece ranks first in the world.
From the depth of analysis, the Greek debt crisis and the economic structure of the euro area, the Greek economy in recent years, the growing problem of industrial hollowing out, can not attract investment, and no competitive industries, such a model can only live on credit.
Tiande Wen told reporters, Greece to resolve the debt crisis, the fundamental way is to adjust the economic structure, to find economic growth, but easier said than done? At the same time, Greece also need to implement a prudent fiscal policy and reduce the risk of debt.
Currently, Greece's debt up to 3,500 million euros. December 11, Greece is required to pay due debts about 120 billion euros. The EU will pay the November 8 billion euros to the Greek assistance, Greece after receiving assistance, you can rebuild credit, the economy may be better to embark on a healthy development. But Tiande Wen told reporters that the current situation, Greece has a long bitterness to lead.
Greek people are not afraid of national bankruptcy
Financial crisis in 2008 caused severe economic crisis. Greece as tourists to reduce the tax reduction, resulting in debt to make ends meet. As the ends meet, only a large number of Greek debt, debt maturity, the Greek foreign aid can only rely on the one hand, on the other hand compression costs, which means cutting people's welfare. A few months ago, the Greek national breaking out demonstrations against austerity measures to reduce their own welfare.
For the practice of the Greek people, European media cynicism, people have accused the Greek national crisis, not only can not tighten their belts to save money but to strike the street riots, and even confronted riot police. "The Economist" acidly pointed out that Greece and other Southern Asian countries lazy. British Broadcasting Corporation reported that their reporters visited Greece to get the impression that the Greek people would rather bankrupt the country, do not want another bitterness.
The BBC also reported that the original turned out to Greece and South Korea made a sharp contrast, 14 January 1998 the BBC's correspondent in Korea interview, saw the familiar sight on the streets of South Korea at that time: "Housewives donate wedding ring, athletes donated medals and trophies, as well as the opening or 60 people to donate only the lucky golden key South Korean people long lines to donate their favorite gold and silver jewelry, even behind the crumbling of the Korean economy. "
1997 outbreak of the Asian financial crisis hit South Korea, Daewoo, Samsung and Hyundai and other South Korean companies launched the "closed the gold love Korea" campaign to encourage all sectors to donate gold for the Government to sell debt after melting into gold bullion. January 5, 1998 commencement of the event, within two days received 10 tons of gold. Less than 10 days, first 300 tons of gold transported abroad.
Greece, on the contrary, Greek Prime Minister Papandreou's former economic adviser Bo Leima Charles Keith pointed out that the Greek population of only 250,000 agricultural city of Larissa city was actually Porsche Cayenne sports car where the world's highest density, New York or London beats had seen a lot of the rich Greek, but the tax evasion problem is serious. According to 2006 data, the Greek taxpayers for tax evasion, the Greek government deficits as a major source of trouble.
Moreover, the Greek people will be sent overseas assets. Experts estimate that by the third year to turn the country into Swiss bank assets over two hundred billion euros of Greece, most of the overseas subsidiaries of Greek entrepreneurs to transfer assets. Greek media reports, not only entrepreneurs, recently seized a lot of Greek airports, and even nuns, missionaries and all the unemployed in a suitcase full of euros in cash, we all want money out of the country.
But Tian Dewen do not think so, he told reporters, and thus can not draw conclusions not patriotic Greeks, patriotism this point with Greece and South Korea for the unfair comparison, there are different manifestations of patriotism. South Korea and the different causes of the crisis in Greece, the Greek people that the crisis is caused by some people, they are responsible should not allow the majority of human stupidity and greed of a few people to foot the bill.
Now the Greek people do not think Greece has come to life and death, the Greek people see the crisis is not very heavy. More bankrupt the country could not frighten them, in fact insolvent as, if not the EU assistance, Greece is now bankrupt.
Sovereign debt crisis caused by the bankruptcy of a country is not drowned. Greek sovereign debt based on the Greek economy as collateral, the debt default is not repaid with the territory and sovereignty, the so-called "sovereign debt" real or limited liability. Bankruptcy and now this additional assistance in terms of fiscal austerity in comparison, is in fact limited to the common people, already bankrupt Iceland are examples.
Tiande Wen also stressed to reporters, talking about the collective spirit, as South Korea, Greece, South Korea, economic difficulties, the collective spirit of people to overcome difficulties and has played an important role in Greece there is no signs of this. However, the reference to "patriotism" of the level that a bit exaggerated.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Greece Held A Referendum To Abandon Plans

Greek Deputy Prime Minister Venizelos 4 officials on the EU, the country has decided to abandon a referendum on the EU's rescue package plan.

Venizelos office said in a statement, he called the same day, President of Euro Group Juncker, EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to inform them of Greece 'decision not to hold a referendum. "

The statement also said, Venizelos also to inform them of the Greek domestic political situation.

The statement said: "In the parliamentary vote of confidence on the eve of Venizelos to the EU partners stressed that the Greek government is committed to a coalition government formed by the broad consensus which will ensure the EU's new rescue plan has been implemented to protect Greece and the euro-zone members the position. "

Venizelos said Greece hopes held in 7 EU meeting to send a strong voice, a sixth pen to provide relief loans and aid programs need to implement the EU's political protection. He said that Greece committed to fulfilling their obligations in order to get to the next year in February issued under the new rescue plan first aid loans, and funding for the Bank of Greece and the mobilization of the Greek public sector debt write-down in progress.

Greek Prime Minister Papandreou announced on 31 October, the latest rescue plan Greece will hold the EU referendum and a vote of confidence in Parliament.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Solar Industry, "winter" Warm To Rely On Technology

Shandong 2011-11-04 (China NEWSWIRE) - held in early September, the 9th China International Solar Energy trading marketplace and Fall Festival the Fifth China solar few participating companies, solar energy exhibition showing decline. Slow pace of development of solar energy not only show, as well as the solar thermal industry. Over the past two years, the solar thermal industry complex: industry blowout in 2009, 2010, high callback, wait stagnation in 2011. "Five" the first year, the solar industry does not seem to bring a good start. Looking around, the rural market are no longer marketable, the urban market is slow progress, the same export-led overseas limited. A chain reaction resulting in bottlenecks solar carefully back into the past, we can see the formation of the solar thermal industry has many reasons for the existing conditions.

National macro-control economic growth caused a moderate decrease, the demand for China to improve the structure, improving economic efficiency make room, but also resulted in micro-economic reproduction of a difficult situation, especially the real estate market regulation, the solar thermal industry produce additive effect ; another perspective, increasing uncertainties due to the economic situation, the consumer will decline leading to lack of demand. As the birthplace of solar thermal utilization in rural areas, has been "home appliances to the countryside" policy and a variety of promotional battle ahead of overdraft. Price fluctuations in the current unstable situation, as durable goods would be solar water heater can be placed in consumer spending may embarrassment. As a manufacturer, due to fluctuations in raw material prices and labor costs, profit margins have been greatly compressed, which to some extent, restricted the production enthusiasm. Of course, over the years because the market is not standardized, resulting in severe solar product homogeneity, intense competition, supply exceeds demand, the overall market appears chaotic, cohabitation status.

Reaffirming that the civilizational force Norit general manager, said there are indications that the development of solar thermal industry bottleneck period ushered in the industry cycle, the solar thermal industry will experience pain, revealing new trends into a new stage of development of the industry . Norit is willing to continue efforts to increase R & D investment and improve integrated solar energy application technology, so the industry pioneer in the development. Technology is still in early development of the industry a threshold event Haining quality door alarm to a national solar energy companies. A large number of artisanal production of solar water heaters solar cutting corners, tank "polyurethane foam" insulation foam material quality and process failure, can not ensure that products used in special circumstances.

The other from the Consumers Association of household survey: In the winter, only 35.9% of solar water heaters, "easy to use and plenty of hot water." Norit technical staff, said: "solar water heaters in winter 'strike', mainly because of small size tube, resulting in low collection efficiency hot water production systems." Norit titanium tubes absorb more than 96%, much higher than the national standard requirement of 86%, compared to 8% of the reflection tube than the national standard, titanium tubes only 6% reflectance. In addition, three titanium tube absorption layer structure, the effective absorption of UV - visible light completely absorbs solar energy most bands, the solar water heater one winter will "strike" phenomenon of the past. In the foam, the use of American force Norit Honeywell blowing agent HFC-245Fa fluorine-free environment.

The blowing agent used in Italy Cannon high pressure foaming technology, adding a unique HCF thermal protection factor, industry-leading temperature, high pressure foam, curing, curing four lean process, really quantitative, high-pressure, constant temperature the whole foam, foam evenly to form a double-effect heat, closed-cell rate of 98%, firmly lock the heat. In addition to the family enough to work up and down the water heater technology, Norit also achieved in high-temperature solar energy utilization. Reaffirming that the civilizational said that in the technology R & D, Marino to achieve product diversification, as far as possible to broaden the application areas. Future focus on the development of medium-temperature systems, not only to solve the problem of industrial and agricultural water supply, but also to achieve the solar air-conditioning, heating. Brand strength will play a greater role in the entire industry suffered the cold of winter, more and more companies recognize the power of the brand. About to enter the end of the "home appliances to the countryside" campaign tells us, the price can reach consumers the opportunity to get a deal, but the brand was able to seize the trust of consumers, access to long-term business opportunities. Reaffirming that the civilizational admits: "At present the industry's market resources, capital is to have the brand influence and competitiveness of enterprises to move closer. Brand is the future trend, the brand power of Norit is always doing work on the road." Solar thermal field, Norit is called "building-integrated expert." Reaffirming that the civilizational said: "The future of solar energy engineering market mainly to do with supporting engineering and construction, solar central heating project into two categories. Norit has been the industry leader in the field, but the development of more mature, we need the energy common endeavor. on the rural market and international market, we not only their own to achieve excellent quality, but also to the introduction of stringent industry standards. "China's solar thermal industry after years of development, has formed a relatively complete industrial system. As the lack of industry standards and regulation in place, plus a number of small cards, brand-name exists, the new products, new technology has affected the pace of development. Today, more and more companies have recognized the trend of development of the industry, but also recognize the limitations of their own development. Currently in the industry to adjust the solar cycle industry, should be ready in the winter, in technology development, innovation, branding and new ideas to make more efforts to develop other aspects to meet the industry with a brand new state of the next round recovery.

Women Love The White 32gb Apple Iphone 4 Sale 5550

November 3, 2011, the white 32GB Apple iPhone 4 (licensed with the invoice) today in the business, "Beijing Great Wall Communications' at the re-arrival, and reported a price of 5550 yuan. Machine parts still charger, headset, data cable, SIM card pin and other official standard. 32GB White Apple iPhone 4 is a powerful and stylish configuration of the popular smartphone.

Apple iPhone 4 very thin and light portable, the appearance of white and black colors, very clean atmosphere. The screen uses a resolution of 640x960 pixels IPS capacitive screen display is very clear, and supports multi-touch energy supply. Configuration, the aircraft is equipped with an A4 processor, clocked at 1GHz, the system was Apple's own iOS 4 system, built-in software for users to download unlimited. The back of the fuselage of a 500-megapixel camera, then to meet people's day to day shooting.

Editorial comment:

Apple iPhone 4 Although more than a year already on the market, and now mobile phone on the market more and more types, but the machine is still the most popular mobile phone, very powerful, elegant appearance is still so beautiful. The emergence of the white version of the sales for iPhone 4 once again reached a new height, the aircraft into a slim, stylish look of choice for many women friends. The aircraft is currently licensed version of the price of 5550 yuan, a friend might like to consider.