Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lee Was Arrested After Authorities Said Gaddafi Is Not Shooting Funeral Video Exposure

Libya's deputy UN ambassador 26, said preliminary investigations revealed that Gaddafi was arrested and not shot.

[China Business Network Roundup] Currently, the cause of death is widely speculated that Gaddafi had been shot to death after its captured alive, but Libya's deputy UN ambassador 26, said preliminary investigations revealed that Gaddafi has not been arrested the shooting.

October 20, Gaddafi in Sirte captured alive home, but soon after, according to his death will spread throughout the world. Video shows Qaddafi many have been abused before he died, and the video with gunfire. Widespread speculation that Gaddafi was captured alive after being shot to death.

The face of international pressure and challenge, Libya 24, announced the ruling authorities investigate the death of Qaddafi truth, but the authorities still insisted that Gaddafi is not executed by the revolutionary forces.

According to the China News reported on October 26, Libya's UN Ambassador Da Bashi, Deputy United Nations Security Council, said, "initial reports, Gaddafi was arrested, not revolutionary fighters to shoot him." Daba Shen said: "According to preliminary investigation and the information in our possession, Gaddafi troops in their conflicts with the revolutionary Armed Forces of the injured." he said, Gaddafi was arrested, "the head of his abdomen and bleeding, in Sura to Damien after the death of the hospital tower. "

Gaddafi's body was buried October 25, deep in the desert, despite the ruling authorities of Libya Gaddafi said the secret burial, funeral, but suspected Gaddafi video or online exposure.

According to the China Daily reported, Dubai Media City is located in the Arab satellite television stations broadcast a segment is believed to be the world's first Gaddafi funeral video. The television reporter said in the video was obtained from Misurata. Currently, the video's authenticity has not been confirmed by other news sources. Video images show that not many people attended the funeral, many of whom are holding the camera trying to record a variety of site conditions. A total of three coffin funeral scene, the video sequence to the body lying in a coffin close-up shot. Two bodies were face looks like Gaddafi and his son muta Sim.

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