Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Increasing international pressure on Western countries, encouraging more sanctions against Syria

There were indications that Syria, the opposition to the United Nations 7th, League of Arab States and other international organizations with a request to the city of Homs as the "disaster city", and to take prompt action to provide assistance to the city of Homs, the opposition has called for Arab countries and observers from other countries to Holmes City to monitor the local situation. Opposition says Assad regime has lost the confidence to accept the Arab League initiative, hoping to recover the Arab League initiative.
However, the Syrian capital of Damascus is an entirely different story, tens of thousands of people support Bashar regime held a "Patriotic Parade", expressed confidence in the government and support. Newspaper reporter at the scene to participate in Louis Vuitton Monogram Eclipse Alma Amber M40245the procession of people, they said, most countries need to change the Syrians agree that the demands, but stressed the importance of national security and stability on the basis of implementation. The parade participants named Ali told reporters: "We reject external interference, we do not want to become the next Libya or Iraq." Syrian President Bashar Assad will attend Eid al-Adha ceremony also emphasized Syrian people against chaos, terrorism and foreign interference.
Increasing international pressure on Western
However, the Western countries have been increasing international pressure on Syria, including the Arab League, including active mobilization of more countries and organizations to join sanctions against Syria's actions.
French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said Wednesday that Bashar will not accept the peace plan, France would continue efforts to level the United Nations to take action against Syria. In an interview with Saudi Arabia, "Middle East News" reporter, said to the Arab League initiative to resolve Syria has failed, the French prepared to recognize the "Syrian National Committee", and hope that the Arab countries and Turkey can exert more pressure on the Assad regime Western countries are also preparing further sanctions against the Syrian government introduced a series of financial and economic measures.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Tuesday the Syrian situation is complex, hoping to increase international pressure on the way, prompting Assad regime to stop the current violence. "Middle East" quoted sources as saying that Turkey, Turkey is also to take further sanctions against Syria lobbying that has been associated with the United Nations Security Council countries, Brazil and South Africa to communicate.
U.S. State Department spokesman Newland 7, at a regular press conference accused the Syrian government to continue acts of violence. Newland said, according to the U.S. Embassy in Syria received, 4 to 6 November a total of 71 civilians died in the government crackdown. She also said that as the current UN Security Council can not reach agreement on Syria, the United States hopes to take their own countries to increase pressure on the Syrian Government's political and economic measures. She acknowledged that the U.S. is still the judge, "the vast majority of Syrians and the classification of domestic opposition does not want foreign intervention, especially foreign military intervention," they "want to see (the problem) peaceful settlement." She also hinted that "no-fly zone" does not necessarily apply to Syria.
It will open an emergency meeting of Arab League
June 12, the Arab League will once again hold an emergency meeting on Syria for consultations. Analysis, not the Arab League and the United Nations mandate, coupled with Syria itself is a complex and unique geopolitical position of the radiation region, Western Syria Copy "Libya model" is unlikely. Syrian political analyst Bassam Abdullah also said: "Syria has a strong army to attack Syria started a regional war means, we will directly attack Israel, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran will be war, which relates to the best interests of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. "
Headquartered in Brussels, "the International Crisis Group," recently released a report, the Syrian Arab League initiative to resolve the crisis is the last chance, if this attempt fails again, the situation in Syria will be rapidly approaching a dangerous tipping point, not only to the degree of internal violence rise, more pressure from the outside will follow.

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